DEEP DOWNにいよいよペンキが塗られ始めました〜![E:happy02]
[E:fish] [E:fish] [E:fish] [E:fish]
Today, I been in Dive House DEEP DOWN.
The Carpenters are all allright.
The Painters are told me that on the next week,
the entire wall are already painted.
this is the image of Front view of DEEP DOWN,
in every corner it is already painted with the color of blue.
This is the image of Entrance DEEP DOWN.
The Entrance lobby has already painted with color sky blue.
the two carpenter are adjusting the window and the color of the wall.
the carpenters are taking their break time.
This is the left side area of the Entrance.
is already finished painted with color sky blue.
this is the inside of class room
One of the carpenters is painting the wall with a color white.
other carpenters is repairing the ceiling.
and other carpenters is painting he wall with color sky blue.
this is the compressor room.
the carpenter was made a hole for the tube or pipe the water system.